Sunday, 27 January 2013

CIMA President's Dinner-24-01-2013

CIMA President's Dinner-24-01-2013

Host Anushay Ashraf.

I woke up in the morning with a severe headache and immediately stood up to my feet, leaving my warm blanket on the floor, and started looking for something to drink, presumably tea or black coffee,made of fresh grains of coffee beans. While i was struggling with my stumbling feet and blur senses. My frown eyes rested on a white envelope, placed on the kitchen counter, the envelop had come a couple of days ago. I picked the envelope and it said "CIMA" ( Chartered Institute of Management Accounts ) an invitation for Dinner, hosted by CIMA President, Gulzari Lal Babber.

I had heard from my lecturer during my MBA classes, what was CIMA, how would it operate management tactics, well spread network and lots of other minor details ( Psutt ..I still remember like yesterday that we students had exchanged mischievous looks, the moment this word "Seema" was uttered and it echoed in our class. Seema was a female lecturer in our Uni. She had joined the Uni for lectureship after completing her MBA from the same Uni. According to one of our foreign colleagues, Seema was single and had her own apartment and a yacht near Arabian Sea ( Dubai). And we all were like "Wow ! Seema ! The Princess of Dubai ! Whereas it was "CIMA" and not "Seema"! 

Well i was telling you about a white envelope. As i read the invitation card, suddenly my eyes were full open and mind racing with many questions "How come CIMA President was in Karachi " Why such a risk" Why could not they delay". But one part of me was happy that I was invited and, second, they didn't care about the current situation of the country specially Karachi and had come  straight here to execute a part of their world wide agenda. It was a great move and a very professional gesture. And of course it was indeed a good sign for pakistani business community too.

While sipping my black coffee i read the card word by word, rather over read, and made up my mind. 

 So what is CIMA actually ? Of course not that "Seema" from my Uni days. Certainly, you can get all the information on its website, but I know you are no that efficient to give your precious time to such an ordinary thing. So I am putting all the basic but relevant information for the sake of providing knowledge.

CIMA President, Gulzari Lal Babber,s address. 

Mr. Gulzari is an extremely hard working gentleman, well spoken, well mannered, very courteous and amazingly diligent. In short, a Self made man ! Indeed an inspirational leader.

Introduction of CIMA 

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is a United Kingdom-based professional body offering training and qualification in management accountancy and related subjects, focused on accounting for business; together with ongoing support for members.
CIMA is one of a number of professional associations for accountants in the UK andRepublic of Ireland. Its particular emphasis is on developing the management accountingprofession within the UK and worldwide. CIMA is the largest management accounting body in the world, with more than 195,000 members and students in 176 countries. CIMA also is a member of the International Federation of Accountants.
The CIMA certificate in Islamic finance (Cert IF) is the first qualification offered by a professional chartered accounting body to focus on the fast growing sector of Islamic finance.In 2011, CertIF was upgraded to a Diploma degree and renamed as CIMA Diploma in Islamic Finance and all those who would pass this diploma, or had passed CertIF, would be allowed to use the honorific letters CDIF after their name.

CIMA has two grades of full membership:
  • Associate - designated by the letters ACMA
  • Fellow - designated by the letters FCMA
To be admitted as an associate a candidate must have:
  • completed a period of qualifying practice of at least three years, documented and signed by appropriate witnesses
  • passed the institute's 15 qualifying examinations
  • been proposed and seconded for membership by two individuals who have direct experience of the candidate's work experience but who do not need to be members of CIMA or even accountants.
To become a Fellow a candidate ACMA must, in addition, have appropriate experience at a senior level.
In the past, CIMA has offered forms of association which do not amount to full membership, for example an "Affiliate" membership class was promoted in the 1970s.
Dr. Arul Sivagananathan, Managing Director of Hayleys Business Solutions International (Pvt), Srilanka.
It will be very unfair we don't say few words about Dr. Arul,s great speech and very informative presentation. Dr. Arul was doubtlessly that man who enlightened the audience most, not only with his self prepared slides and sketches, but also from his uttered words. His presentation was well researched, well rehearsed, and indeed well delivered. The guy must have put up great effort in collecting such extensive data.

Last but not least, the arrangements, entertainment, dinner menu, and well planed interior was extremely compatible with the atmosphere and with the people with great business minds. 

CIMA Team - President, Gulzari Lal Babber.(R), Miss Javaria, County Head, Pakistan (C)' and Dr. Arul (L) at cake cutting ceremony on CIMA Conference, Marriott Hotel KarachiPakistan.

Note : Please give your feed back at the end of the post. It will help me maintain the quality of the blog. Your words will be highly appreciated. Also,if you wish to give any suggestions for further improvements, please feel free to do so. 


Anonymous said...

Very well covered and good description ! I like the opening paragraph most !

Anonymous said...

Excellent summary. Glad you said something about dr.arul as he did open our eyes to think of the future. You can may be add a few lines on the drama skit they made. It was nice the way you started the para. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I was amazed to see the number of people that day incl some senior figures. Glad the president of Cima made the effort to come and speak to all. You have covered that very well. Indeed a self made Lahore boy! We should be proud. Happy to see you have made few comments about Dr. Arul also as he did an excellent presentation and your words truly reflect the way he has prepared and delivered the speech. We should invite more experts to give us the global picture of what the future holds. The host also did a great job covering the event. You have summarized everything well. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Great write up. Nice to see a local president in uk heading a global organization. I wish Dr. arul have given a longer presentation which was the key highlight. He had a lot of knowledge to share but shirt time. Hope Cima is able to do more of there events and I hope you will continue to cover the events and give your thoughts as always. I have observed that you give a well balanced view without taking sides. Good job and well written. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Well done. Well covered. Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading the write up each time. Thank you for making the effort.