Friday 30 November 2012

How to straighten your hair with a flat iron ?

Hello, I'm Aubrey Loots, co-owner of Studio DNA Salon in Los Angeles. Today, we are actually going to show you how to create curl with a flat iron. Whoever thought you can create curl with a flat iron. Most people use the flat iron to straighten their hair. Again, we're gonna show you some tricks and that theory has continue and this is one of them.
 Flat Iron

What you wanna do is to use a flat iron. Again, bind the hair between 300 and 350, no more than 400 and if you have courser hair, you can go from 400 to 450 degrees. You wanna section your hair a little differently than using the flat iron traditionally. Usually, I'm gonna turn my model's head. When we flat iron, we work in section going straight down. When you wanna create curl with a flat iron, we're gonna work vertically. So I'm gonna start by sectioning all the hair which I encourage you to do at home so you have a nice clean work area. Again, we're gonna use a light hairspray, perhaps a little bit more than you would when you're using your flat iron to get a straight look because you want your curl to hold a little bit. Use your comb at your section and we're gonna take our flat iron and you're gonna put it in vertically. You're gonna turn it around, take the loose end. Keep moving as you're going. You spin it around and you prop it into your hand and walah. The magic of a tool. You don't have to run out and buy a bunch of tools. You can use the flat iron for straight or curly hair.

 I'm gonna take another section just to demonstrate for you again. Take a vertically sectioned, put on your hairspray. Like I said, a little bit more to make sure that your curl have hold. Comb that product through. I like having all my products through. It's guaranteed that way that it covers the whole entire area. Take your flat iron vertically. Twist it as you're going around. Keep moving and then you grab it into your hand and then we have another soft wave. You can keep going all around the head. I'm gonna take one more section a little bit higher and we'll clip it out of the way. Comb it through, add your hairspray. Comb that through and start twisting. Pull that through. Look at that beautiful curl. So easy. And once you got your curl in, you can take your fingers and just gently open it up. This will create a nice texture. This is such a great technique especially for people with finer hair who have a hard time having any body in their hair. Just take flat iron to create some curls. So there, we have it. A quick and easy way to get some body and bounce in to your hair with a flat iron and she's ready to go for her party.

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