Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Happy Birthday Justin Timberlake - embarrassing snap ahoy

'I just wanna lurve, baby - yeah yeah yeeeaaaahhhh'
What better reason to fall off the January detox wagon at the very last hurdle than to raise a glass to Justin Timberlake who's 32-years-old today. Happy Birthday, Timberz - yeeeeaaaahhh yeaaah yeah...
Justin Timberlak.
So, without an further ado, let's have a look at a bunch of pictures of JT with a silly hair do and some terrible clothes. Aw, bless him.
And just so you feel like it's your birthday too, here's a clip of Timberlake that also features Ryan Gosling. Double aw...

Justin Timberlak.

Justin Timberlak.

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