0092 is Pakistan's calling code and indeed dear to all Pakistanis living in the country or settled abroad.
Theater Play 0092-Look of the stage before the play starts. |
The play "0092" is about a society which has become a victim in the hands of influentials and powerful. Anyone who holds a stronger position in the society, does not let the weaker to live peacefully. He keeps the weaker suppressed, under pressure and dependent upon himself. Be it a guardian of a house, an influential man of a Muhala , a boss, policeman or a politician. Everyone in his/her own character has a bigotry in mind, and does not encourage freedom of speech. He wants others to obey his orders, serve him, bow before him so that he alone can enjoy himself the ultimate liberty. "Ham Sab Choor hein" "We all are thieves" says Shahbaz uncle one time in the play.
And it happens to be the bitter fact of our society.
Then comes a weaker class, who,s forefathers have given their loyalty to the country and to the govt. unfortunately they still have not been able to live a better life and are still living below the poverty line as were their forefathers.They have accepted the injustice of society and now hopelessly have stopped putting up fight against the stronger, because they know if they raise their voice for the the right, the wrong and powerful elements of the society will snub them or will killed or shot dead by some unknown men. And no one will be there to provide them justice. The hopelessness and fear of losing life has made them join the rouge and corrupt lot.
But an important thing, this class have not accepted such dividend in their hearts and the rage of injustice is well flamed inside them. They may have become to frail and vulnerable in front of the their masters, but are still willing to support anyone who guarantees them happy, peaceful and secured life even at the cost if their lives.
Theater Play 0092-Shahbaz uncle with Farkhanda Aunty. |
Story of the Play 0092 :
Play opens on a fat, tummy out, nearly 45 years old man name Shahbaz , dressed in half traditional half American style yelling on his wife and grown up children, ( Daughter Saleema 21, son Amir 23, ) asking them to get ready as Sherry was coming from America. ( Shehryar ,sherry 25 years old young man, a US national is the son of Shahbaz,s late brother who was shot dead by unknown men ( in Karachi ) and since then Sherry had left the country making the promise of his father that he would not come back to Pakistan, ever.
The family is a Urdu speaking and a general family of our society, but since sherry is an American national so they are in a quest to give Sherry the impression as they are also modern and love America. Even Shahbaz asks his Khadam ( a Blooch servant ) to replace pakistani miniature flag placed in their drawing room with an American flag. The thought behind all this premeditated plan is to convince sherry to marry his daughter Saleema.
Saleema is an intermediate failed girl, who does not feel comfortable wearing jeans and western clothes. She happens to be an ordinary girl, who wishes to marry her cousin but is afraid of her father and is being forced to marry Sherry-a U.S national.
Amir the son of Shahbaz is a young boy who wants to learn acting but his father snubs his wish and put him to some other field forcibly.
Shahbaz,s wife a simple looking house wife, bulky but totally faithful and obedient but feels ignored by her husband.
When sherry arrives to the house he is totally a different guy. A patriot in nature, helping in nature, well behaved and dedicated to his assignment. He says he wants to to write a report on "Pre-poll Situation in the country". As he starts his research he finds shocking facts that the people who are the real force of Democratic system are being dejected brutally by the politicians and powerful class. As the play progresses we see that Sherry loves his homeland, feels pain for the poor pakistani people, pin points the injustice of the society. In whole he is determined to change the System of the country starting from his very home. By doing so he has to face serious threats, disappointing behaviors, arrogance of political forces, humiliation from police. And Finally the young man loses hope, gives ups, and makes up his mind to go back to America.
Theater Play 0092-Pakistani miniature flag which is replaced with an American one. |
Uptil now every part of the play shows the exact prevailing picture of our society. That how someone who wishes to bring about change in the system is either pushed to the walls or is murdered or put into prison against no case.
Sherry becomes sad, broken hearted and dismayed. And is sitting in isolated corner and seeking help from God. Exactly then his friend an educated and modern girl who has travelled from Lahore and have come to his help, make him understand, she solaces him, gives him hope courage and a companion hand.
Sherry agrees to stay, construct a plan and finally succeeds in convincing his Uncle Shahbaz in participating in coming elections. A leader within the suppressed class.
There are many emotional and humorous characters in the play which maintain the balance of emotion and humor in the play. Mushtaq Jazbati though had little to play but he once held the audience on their seats with his emotional patriotic scene, SHO Noor Daad, was the 2nd to give the audience a good laugh
The Writer and Director Abdullah Farhatullah has given a great thought to the script. Well researched, very well written, well depicted and well performed. Indeed one of the Best theater Plays by a Pakisani director !
Theme :
The theme of the play is very good and eye opening for us complexed Pakistani nation. Specially for those who go about with their hypocratic and dual hypothesizes that they hate America, but in fat all of them follow american culture, wish to get U.S visa, and deplorably some even replace Pakistani miniature flags with an American one in their houses. Showing no dignity of an independent and sovereign nation. To them their interests are sacred than anything.
Theater Play 0092-A Balochi Khadam. |
Theater Play 0092-A Politician in his typical style. |
Theater Play 0092-Sherry and Saleema. |
Theater Play 0092-Sherry with his uncle. |
Theater Play 0092- A group photo after the play. |
Theater Play 0092-Producer Usama Qazi. |
Theater Play 0092-Shahzeb,s father. |
Theater Play 0092. |
Theater Play 0092. |