Monday, 11 February 2013

Pakistan conduct successful test of Hatf IX (Nasr)

Pakistan conduct a successful test of Hatf IX (Nasr).

Pakistan successfully carried out a test fire of the nuclear-capable and short-range ballistic missile Hatf IX (Nasr) on Monday.

A statement released by the Inter Services Public Relations  (ISPR) said that the test fire was conducted with successive launches of two missiles from a state of the art multi tube launcher.

The statement further said that Nasr, with a range of 60 km, and inflight maneuver capability can carry nuclear warheads of appropriate yield, with high accuracy.

This quick response system, which can fire a four Missile  Salvo  ensures deterrence against threats in view of evolving scenarios. Additionally Nasr has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems.

The missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads for delivery over short ranges is said to possess 'shoot and scoot' attributes, which refer to the military tactic of firing at a target with accuracy and immediately relocating to another position to avoid counter-fire from enemy positions.

The successful test has also been appreciated by the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan who have congratulated the scientists and engineers on their outstanding success.


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